Your New Normal - Life After Baby

Now that you're pregnant, your life is going to change in ways you never imagined. You'll have new priorities and concerns, and adjusting to your new role as parents will take time. This blog post will outline some of the most significant changes you can expect once your baby is born. Read on to learn more!

Give yourself time 

Being a new mom is an amazing and wonderful experience, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming. It's important to remember that it takes time to adjust to this new role, and there is no "right" way to do things. Every mom and every baby is different, so it's important to find what works best for you and your family. There will be good and bad days, but the most important thing is to take things one day at a time. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out for help from your partner, family, or friends. They can offer support and understanding, and they can help you get through this amazing but challenging time.

Allow people to help!

Having a baby is an amazing experience, but it can also be overwhelming. Suddenly you're responsible for another human being 24/7, and it's tough to know what to do. That's why it's important to lean on the support of friends and family after you give birth. They can help with things like making meals, changing over the laundry, and doing dishes. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, they can provide a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. So don't be afraid to reach out for help after you become a parent - it's essential for your well-being.

Take care of yourself

After you have a baby, it is more important than ever to take care of yourself. Make sure to eat well and get enough sleep, and try to get some exercise every day. It may seem like there is no time for anything else, but taking care of yourself is essential. When you are well-rested and feeling good, you will be able to take better care of your baby. So put your own needs on your to-do list, and make taking care of yourself a priority.

You are not alone

Giving birth is an amazing, life-changing event. However, it can also be a time of great stress and upheaval. It's not uncommon for new mothers to experience some emotional upheaval in the weeks and months after giving birth. This is often referred to as "postpartum depression." While it's normal to feel some degree of sadness or anxiety after having a baby, postpartum depression is more than just the "baby blues." If you're experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or exhaustion, it's important to speak to your doctor. Postpartum depression is a real medical condition that can be treated. Don't be ashamed to ask for help - you're not alone.

Try to enjoy this time- it will change before you know it

It's amazing how quickly babies grow and change. Every day they seem to be doing something new. It's important to spend time with them and enjoy every moment because they'll be grown up before you know it. Don't worry if you don't have all the answers or sometimes feel like you're just making it up as you go along. That's normal! The most important thing is to show your baby that you love them and make them feel safe and secure. They'll return the favor by bringing joy into your life every day. Savor those special moments.

What can you do to help make the transition easier for you and your partner? First and foremost, talk to your Doula about making a postpartum plan. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page as far as expectations and needs go. Additionally, try not to be too hard on yourself – this time is tough for everyone! Reach out to family or friends for support when needed, and don’t hesitate to ask for help with things like laundry, cleaning, or cooking. Most importantly, take time for yourself every day, even if it’s just 10-15 minutes, to relax and recharge. The weeks and months following childbirth can be challenging but incredibly rewarding – embrace them with open arms!

If you require additional support during the postpartum period, Ottawa Birth offers postpartum Doula support. Contact us for more information.


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