X - Ten Comfort Measures

purple Rebozo held in Doulas hand

Today’s blog is going to be different from the others. It is a quick list of 10 comfort measures!

  • Doulas! Yes, we count as a comfort measure! Studies show that having a Doula can reduce pain, lower the cesarean rate, and increase satisfaction in your birth experience.

  • Sacral Pressure. Putting counter pressure just above the tailbone is something that many people can find decreases pain.

  • Hydrotherapy. Either in the bath or shower can be helpful in different ways. 

  • Cold Therapy. Cold therapy can work by narrowing blood vessels decreasing pain but also by helping lower your temperature to make you more comfortable overall.

  • Rebozo. It can be used in many different ways for comfort. To do an assisted squat, to “shake the apple tree,” do a hip squeeze, and to support your belly! 

  • TENS. The TENS machine helps “distract” your mind from the pain by interfering with the pain signals.

  • Birth ball. Sitting on the ball can help keep your pelvis nice and open while you relax. It can also be used to support you on all 4’s to take some pressure off your sacrum. 

  • Massage. It can be soothing, help ease tense muscles, and provide comfort. 

  • Leaning. You can lean on the wall, counter, or a person, using gravity to help the baby descend while giving you a bit of time to rest.

  • Music. Music can help you relax, can help change your mood, be a distraction, and help give you a boost of energy, depending on what you listen to. 

There you have it. A list of X (10) comfort measures to try during labour!


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