Consultations. What are they?

What is a doula consultation? Why do I want to schedule one? What do I even do or get out of it?  

A doula consultation is a chance to meet with a doula and see if she's someone you would feel comfortable and confidant with during your birth. Is she someone that you can let your guard down around during the most vulnerable of times? 
The consultation can take place in your home or by meeting up over coffee or ice cream, whichever you think will make you feel most comfortable. 
Usually it lasts between 30-60 minutes. 

What kind of questions to ask? 


Just a quick google search will give you a list of questions to ask your potential doula. 
Here are the ones I get asked most often:
How long have you been a doula? I attended my first birth in the spring of 2014. I started as a postpartum doula in March 2016 and I taught my first class in the fall of 2015. 
What training have you done? I have trained through Childbirth InternationalProDoulaMothercraft & Stillbirthday. They all offered different things and have helped me grow as a doula. 
Have you worked at my place of birth? I have attended births at Montfort Hospital, the Queensway- Carleton Hospital, both campuses of The Ottawa Hospital & the Gatineau Hospital with both doctors and midwives. I have also attended births at the Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre, La Maison de Naissance de l’Outaouais as well as home births. I am comfortable working with any provider. 
When do you join me during labour? When you decide you feel the need for additional support, I come to you. During early labour, I ask that you contact me and we stay in touch. I offer support to you by phone or text until things start to pick up, then I come to meet you either at your home or place of birth depending on your preferences. 
What happens if you're sick when I go into labour? If you go into labour and I’m sick, at another birth or have some kind of emergency, you will have another doula that will support you through your birth for me. This is extremely rare, as it has only happened once in the last 7 years. 
What is your fee and what does that cover? My packages can be found here. More information, including my contract will be sent to you by email prior to the consultation so you're able to look it over and ask me any questions you have. 
What are your philosophies on childbirth? My philosophy as a doula is that I support your philosophy. I do not believe there is a "right way" or a "wrong way" to birth, but rather a way that feels right for you. Before your birth we will go over what you want to happen but if that plan changes in the moment, I am happy to support you in those decisions. 

These are just the most commonly asked questions I usually receive and I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have.   
Ready to take the next step?
 Book your consultation now! 


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