And Why Would I Want Birth Photography?

The first time I heard of Birth Photography, I remember thinking “why on earth would I want that?” I remember looking back on the few pictures I do have of the birth of my first child and I look like hell! Why would I want more of that?

Well first, we are our own worst critics. When others see those (very amateur) pictures, they aren't thinking “man, she looks like crap”, they see someone who was excited to meet her baby boy after months of waiting. My due date had come and gone so saying I was excited doesn't even begin to describe what I was feeling!

What those pictures don't show though is the story! The 48 hours I spent in the hospital before he arrived, the moment I met him for the first time, my husband helping me through hours and hours of contractions, the family members that came and went, the absolute exhaustion I felt right after he arrived, the first weigh-in when we found out he was 9lbs 12oz!


All of those moments are part of my story and none of them were captured. After 12 years they are all distant memories and will continue to fade as time goes on.

Let's chat today about capturing your story!


Need to make a decision? Use your BRAIN!


Why Not Have a Birth Photographer?